Laying down Ground Radials for Vertical Antenna

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One of the toughest parts of a vertical antenna installation is the preparation, building, and installing of a ground radial or counterpoise system.  The ground radial system supplies the "missing half" of a vertical antenna and is needed to improve signal strength and boost efficiency.

In this video, we see one way of putting that "missing half" in the ground without too much effort.

As suggested by "dixielandfarm", more short radials are preferred to fewer, longer radials.  Although there is no ideal number of radials for a vertical antenna (some AM broadcast stations use up to 120 quarter wave radials). try building a radial field using 16 to 20 buried radial wires.  Another possibility is using four to six elevated radials for your vertical antenna.  I've used this solution for frequencies between 20 and 10 meters.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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