Build a 20 meter Dipole Antenna. Post 1896.

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Here's a remarkably simple, inexpensive, and totally portable 20 meter antenna you can build for under $20.

Jerry Davis shows us how to design, build, trim, and use a basic dipole antenna for the 20 meter amateur radio band.  The steps outlined in this video can be used
for any amateur radio band from 160 through 10 meters.  This antenna doesn't require an antenna "tuner."

According to Jerry, he spent around $17.00 (USD) in making this dipole.  Perhaps, you can duplicate this antenna for less, depending on what you have in your "junk box." 

Pack one of these antennas in your "go-kit" for emergencies or coil one up for your next mini-DXpedition to a nearby park or beach.  Add a telescoping fiberglass mast, a few insulators, a portable transceiver, and some solar charged batteries, and you're ready to go.

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Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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