My recent hf ground radial install.....Post 1766.

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One of the drawbacks of using random length wire antennas and 1/4 wavelength vertical antennas is the requirement to have a good ground radial or counterpoise system. Installation of an antenna's "missing half" often involves a significant amount of wire and expense.  For those of us venturing into the 160 meter amateur radio band, your task is just about as daunting as setting up a ground radial system for an AM broadcast station--i.e. you'll need a lot of radial wires to cut ground losses and boost the efficiency of your antenna.

In this video, "uksnipper1" has decided to take the ground radial system seriously by planning and installing an effective ground screen for his hf activities.  He says the time, expense, and effort resulted in much better performance of his end fed wire antenna.

If you're not up to a lot of digging, splicing, and soldering work, try using an elevated counterpoise system or by ordering a sturdy ground plate from DX Engineering.  The DX Engineering metal plate will allow the connection of many radial wires with a minimum of effort.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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