Super Expedient Stealth 160 Meter Antenna. Post #1570.

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Operating on 160 meters can be a difficult challenge for radio amateurs living in deed-restricted apartments and homes (HOAs/CC&Rs).  However, if you're willing to accept a few compromises in terms of height and orientation, you can still make contacts on the "Gentlemen's Band".  "Ham Prepper" has done just that with a meandering, stealth wire antenna attached to the back of his home and anchored to his property's privacy fence.  With the aid of a MFJ-989c antenna "tuner" and a simple ground radial system, this radio amateur was to make successful contacts on 160 meters.  This antenna is basically a NVIS (near vertical incident skywave) arrangement, which provides good local and regional coverage.  With the MFJ "tuner" and the 300 ohm feed line, this antenna has multiband HF capability.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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