HF Antennas Especially stealth models for those in an HOA. Post #1540.

HF Antennas Especially stealth models for those in an HOA. Post #1540.


Accessed on 30 June 2018, 1943 UTC, Post #1540.

Author:  Dave Land (KD5FX).

Please click link to read the full article.


Erecting a high-performance antenna in a deed-restricted property (HOA/CC&R) can present some difficult challenges for radio amateurs.  Dave Land  (KD5FX) explores this issue in depth and comes up with several antenna designs that could be used in such areas.  Each antenna is fully described with both drawings and photos, so you can easily build each design quickly and efficiently.  Overall, Dave has done an excellent job of assembling antennas that can be used in limited spaces.

Here are the major antennas described in Dave's article:

The basic dipole, multiband dipoles, random length multiband antennas, verticals, flag pole verticals, inverted V, mobile antennas adapted for backyard use, the fencetenna, G5RV, W5GI Mystery Antenna, Buddipole antennas, inverted L, Hamstick antennas, Isotrons, no radial verticals, vertical dipoles, Ventennas for VHF/UHF, and remote antenna "tuners."

Hopefully, you can use some of Dave's ideas to get you on the air in your controlled environment.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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