An amateur radio 2 meter/70 cm antenna made from an old coffee can. Post #1539.

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Common household objects can often be used as antenna elements.  Such is the case with this excellent video tutorial from Dave Tadlock (KG0ZZ).  Dave shows how an old coffee can can be repurposed as a home made 2 meter/70 cm antenna.  All you need is a vertical element cut to the correct length and some kind of metal ground plane or counterpoise to complete the antenna.  The shield of your coaxial feed line might serve this purpose.  A clearly explained, step-by-step procedure that will have you on the air with a fully functional 2 meter/70 cm antenna in a short time.  Depending on what you have in your ham shack, this project could cost you very little.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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