Field Day Antennas. Post #1504.

Field Day Antennas. Post #1504.

Accessed on 26 May 2018, 1910 UTC, Post #1504.

Please click link to read the full article.


With the ARRL Field Day fast approaching (23-24 June 2018), it's time to consider what kind of antennas will be suitable for your field day site, whether you operate alone or with an amateur radio club.

Emergency and portable antennas should be simple, easy to make, portable, and offer good performance.

Our friends at have compiled a list of what they call "13 Cool Ideas for Your Field Day Antenna."  Most of these antennas can be made in the "field" with commonly available materials.

Here's the list for your consideration:

End fed halfwave antenna for 6/40 meters from EARC--Hawaii's Emergency Amateur Radio Club
Smith Windom Six Band HF Windom Antenna from K3MT.

Vertical Antenna for 20-15-10 m from F5ZV.

KN5L Field Day Vertical Antenna.

40 meter full wave loop from N4KGL.

2 element Yagi for field day operations from VE3RGW.

Portable Antenna Tower Trailer from N7QVC.

HF Wire Antennas from VE3NXB.

JA7KPI Windom Antenna 3.5-30 MHz.

Windom Antenna 3.5-30 MHz by HA3HJ.

Random Wire Antennas from the ARRL.

D3 Antenna for Field Day.

Compact Multi-band Field Day Antenna from NC4FB.

One of these antennas may be just what you're looking for on Field Day.

Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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