Multi-band hf loop antenna. Post #1436.

Multi-band hf loop antenna.
Accessed on 20 March 2018, 0028 UTC, Post #1436.
Author:  Rik van Riel (AB1KW).

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If you're forced to use one HF antenna for your Amateur Radio activities, you may want to consider this simple, effective multi-band loop antenna from Rik van Riel (AB1KW). According to Rik, this loop will permit operation on all Amateur Radio bands from 80 meters to 10 meters.  The antenna uses 86 meters (approximately 242 feet of wire for the multiband loop), which is bit small for 80, 17, and 12 meters, a tad large for 40 and 30 meters, and just right for 20, 15, and 10 meters.  An antenna transmatch  (i.e. "tuner") can compensate for some of the length measurements.

Rik does an excellent job of discussing all aspects of designing a resonant hf loop antenna, examining the gain and radiation patterns to expect, and describing practical steps to build and using this loop antenna.

Based on his success in making many contacts on 80 through 10 meters, Rik reaches the following conclusion:

"While this loop antenna will not outperform a yagi or a 4 square, it is a decent all-around antenna. The main advantages of this 80 meter loop are the low takeoff angle on higher bands (good DX antenna) and the fact that it can be easily matched on 8 HF bands. In fact, my 80 meter loop antenna could be tuned on 6 of the 8 bands with just the built-in ATU in my Kenwood TS-930SAT. Adding an LDG AT-200 Pro autotuner allowed it to be tuned up on all 8 bands."


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Views expressed in this post are those of Rik van Riel (AB1KW) unless otherwise stated.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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