Indoor Attic Dipole Antenna for Ham Radio & CQ Antenna Center Insulators from KE5FEN. Post #1439.

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Operating an Amateur/Ham Radio station from a deed-restricted property (HOA.CC&R) is often a daunting challenge.  If outdoor HF antennas aren't permitted in your area, perhaps a dipole antenna mounted in your attic will get you on the air without raising the ire of the "antenna police."  If your ham radio station is in a wood frame home with non-metal shingles, this idea from K5ACL (SignalSearch) will solve most of your antenna problems.  The video takes you step-by-step through the design, construction, and use of an attic HF antenna.  Another approach would be to use some kind of magnetic loop antenna, either home-built or commercially made.

For the latest Amateur/Ham Radio news and information, please visit these websites: (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon). (Amateur Radio News & Information).

Be sure to check the blog sidebars and links for more antenna and propagation articles.  Views expressed in this video are those of K5ACL unless otherwise stated.

Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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