Portable Antennas for Amateur Ham Radio by OH8STN

Portable Antennas for Amateur Ham Radio by OH8STN
Author:  OH8STN (Survival Tech Nord)
Accessed on 06 September 2017, 2350 hrs, UTC, Post #1242.
Please click link or enter title URL into your browser to view the antenna videos.


In this playlist from OH8STN (Survival Tech Nord), you'll find 19 videos covering a variety of portable and field deployable antennas tested OH8STN on this youtube channel.  All are outstanding, understandable, and full of helpful suggestions for man-portable antennas in a wide range of climates and conditions.  The antennas range from end-fed half wavelength wires to compact magnetic loop antennas.

In this package, OH8STN has included an article about portable vertical antennas. You can find the article here:  http://www.survivaltechnology.net/the-man-portable-vertical-compromise-antenna-rant/.

For the latest Amateur Radio news and information, please visit these websites:

http://www.arrl.org/arrl-audio-news (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon).
https://paper.li/kh6jrm/1430289353 (Amateur Radio News & Information).

Other sites of interest:

Hawaii Science Digest (https://paper.li/1476233615).
Hawaii Intelligence Digest (https://hawaiiintelligencedigest.com).
Hawaii Intelligence Daily (https://paper.li/f-1482109921).

Be sure to check the blog sidebars for more antenna and propagation articles.

Opinions expressed in this blog are mine unless otherwise stated.

Thanks for joining us today.

Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM)


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