Five Band Indoor Magnetic Loop Aerial by G4IZH. Post #1178.

Five Band Indoor Magnetic Loop Aerial by G4IZH
Accessed on 03 July 2017, 21:50 hrs, UTC.
Author:  G4IZH.
Please click link to read the full article.


If you have some basic plumbing tools and some experience in soldering copper pipe, then this homebrew magnetic loop antenna may be what you need to operate in stealth mode without your neighbors or landlord noticing your antenna. According to G4IZH, this sturdy magnetic loop antenna (aerial) covers the 20, 17, 15, 12, and 10 meter bands (14 through 29.7 MHz) and can be made from commonly available materials from the nearest plumbing or building supply store.

G4IZH supplies a complete set of instructions and photos to help you make this near professional quality antenna.

Of course, there are limitations and a few cautions attached to this antenna project:

"The main problem with mag loops is that they are very high Q and need to be re tuned even for a relatively small change in frequency so a motorised tuning capacitor arrangement is most definately required.
The big advantages are that they can be used indoors, are small in size and it is possible to cover quite a few bands with the same loop, they also tend to pick up less locally generated noise.   The loop does have directional properties and can be used in the vertical or horizontal mode."

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM)


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