2E0WMG Vertical Antenna Building. Post #1194.

If you can't view this video, please enter this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiHKFAdu18U.

You don't need a lot of expensive equipment to get your HF rig on the air.  In this video from Kevan (2E0WMG), we see how a few feet/meters of wire, a fiberglass telescoping pole, and a simple ground radial/counterpoise system can provide an easy entry into the HF band of your choice.  The use of an antenna transmatch (i.e. "tuner") will give you some flexibility and better control over the SWR you'll experience on this antenna.  This easy to make vertical antenna can be used at your home or in the field for portable or emergency operations.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM)


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