Attic Fan Dipole on 20/40 meters. Post #1160.

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In my previous post, I mentioned a simple, easily-made fan dipole covering the 40/20 meter Amateur Radio bands.  This antenna was suitable for a small lot and had the potential of spanning several HF bands with the use of an antenna "tuner."

Can the same principle be applied for radio amateurs living in deed-restricted homes and apartments (CC&Rs and HOAs)?  According to  Patrick Hock, an attic fan dipole antenna covering the 20 and 40 meter bands can be made if you're willing to install the antenna in an attic and can spend some time pruning the antenna for the best SWR on each band.  Patrick accepted that challenge and built a fan dipole in his attic.  The antenna performs very well, considering the limitations inherent in an attic antenna.  If you have an accessible attic in your housing situation, you may want to try this idea from Patrick.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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