WB3GCK's Field Day Antenna Inverted L (80M-10M). Post #1081.

WB3GCK's Field Day Antenna Inverted L (80M-10M)
Accessed on 25 March 2017, 21:25 hrs, UTC.
Author:  Graig A. LaBarge (WB3GCK).
Please click link or insert the title URL into your browser search box to read the full article.


Here's another great ARRL Field Day antenna that is simple, portable, and inexpensive.  This easily-made inverted L from Craig (WB3 GCK) will get you on the air quickly with a decent signal covering the 80 meter through 10 meter Amateur Radio bands.

Constructing this classic antenna is fairly easy, with most materials available at the nearest hardware or building supply store.  In this case, Craig's antenna uses a 26-foot/7.826 meter Jackite pole to support the vertical section of the antenna, while a convenient tree limb supports the 27-foot/8.231 meter horizontal element.  Craig uses four ground radials, 2 measuring 16-feet/4.878 meters and 2 measuring 32-feet/9.756 meters.  A 4:1 UNUN and an antenna transmatch (i.e. "tuner") is then connected to approximately 15-feet/4.573 meters of RG-8X coax feed line.  Craig says this portable antenna works well and gets many contacts.

Don't forget to join your fellow radio amateurs on ARRL Field Day, 24-25 June 2017.

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http://hawaiisciencediget.com (science and technology news for radio amateurs).
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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM)


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