Portable Link Dipole. Post #1033.

Portable Link Dipole
Author:  VK3ZPF.
Accessed on 04 February 2017, 20:20 hrs, UTC.
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Here's an interesting multiband inverted vee dipole suitable for both home and portable use.  VK3ZPF designed this simple, inexpensive antenna to cover the 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meter amateur radio bands. The antenna was used successfully on the 2012 VK3SAT French Island DX-pedition.

This lightweight inverted vee antenna can be supported by a 10 meter/32.8-foot telescoping fiberglass mast (i.e. "squidpole").  Band operations are centered on 28.490, 21.200, 14.200, 7.100, and 3.60 MHz.  The antenna uses cheap RCA plugs to plug and unplug wire lengths for each band.  A simple termination box rounds out the project.  VK3ZPF illustrates his instructions with clear photographs and drawings to help the novice antenna builder.

According the VK3ZPF, set up can be done in 15 minutes or less, with breakdown taking only about 8 minutes.  This antenna is portable, lightweight, and easy to build. The antenna is so effective that VK3ZPF uses this design for his SOTA and mini DX-peditions.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM)


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