Simple Ham Radio Antennas--Easy VHF Antenna-A new way to build a 1/4 wave ground plane antenna. Post #964.

Easy VHF Antenna-a new way to build a 1/4 wave ground plane antenna
Accessed on 26 November 2016, 15:40 hrs, UTC.
Author:  Geoff Haines (N1GY).
Please click title link or insert title URL to read the full article.

This interesting 2 meter/70 centimeter ground plane antenna built by Geoff (N1GY) should prove useful for radio amateurs who must use both VHF and UHF in their activities.  This antenna would be ideal for volunteers involved with ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) or any other emergency communications agency.

The tutorial is simple and easy to understand, with a full list of materials and construction techniques included for quick assembly.  Geoff also provides helpful photographs to help you complete the project.

Geoff says the antenna works well for him, noting "While not a gain antenna design, placing the assembly on top of a 22-foot mast gives me all the range I need for my assignments for ARES or public service type events."
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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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