Simple Ham Radio Antennas--How to Make a Dipole Antenna. Post #910.
If you're having trouble viewing this program, please insert this title link into your browser search box: I enjoyed this video from "commsprepper" showing how a father and his children can enjoy a ham radio activity together, despite the weather. In this case, the project was a simple 1/2 wave length dipole antenna that let everyone on the "construction" crew take part. This antenna was cheap, easy to build, and highly portable. Given some decent height, a resonant dipole antenna will perform very well and will get you many interesting contacts. It's important that parents share their hobbies with their children. Hopefully, the children of "commsprepper" will get their amateur radio licenses and join their father on the air. For the latest Amateur Radio news and information, please visit my news site: Be sure to check out the blog sidebars for more antenna and propagat...