Simple Ham Radio Antennas--Speaker Wire Doublet for QRP Operation. Post # 815.

If you're having trouble viewing this video, please insert this title link into your browser search box: Here's another great idea for a nice, inexpensive, and easily-assembled multiband HF antenna.  In this video, Tony (KD8RTT) shows us how 100-feet/30.48 meters of 24-gauge speaker wire can be used to make a simple, effective HF antenna covering several amateur radio HF bands.  Tony uses a LDG Z-100 antenna transmatch (i.e. "tuner") to match his transceiver to the antenna.  A 4:1 current balun could be used with a coaxial cable feed line or a 1:1 current balun with ladder line to keep losses low and to protect your transceiver  from damage.  A great antenna for portable or emergency operations.

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