Simple Ham Radio Antennas--A Two Element HF Cubex Quad up at Mx...Post #812

A Two Element HF Cubex Quad up at Mx
Accessed on 21 June 2016, 00:53 hrs, UTC.
Author:  Rob Norman (VK5SW).
Please click link to read the full article.

Although this is not a "simple antenna", you may want to build a HF Quad just to see how well your station signal improves.  In this post, Rob Norman (VK5SW) shows you step by step how to design, build, and erect a 2-element 20 meter quad. His excellent photographs make construction easy and efficient. This is not a project for a lone operator. You'll need help to build and erect this antenna. Rob was able to mount his 2-element quad on top of a 33-foot/10.06 meter homebrew mast with the help of two friends.  His results have been excellent.  This antenna would make an excellent weekend project.  You could either build it yourself from locally available materials or order direct from Cubex.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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