Nepal Earthquake - Update May 9 | Southgate Amateur Radio News. Post #434.

Nepal Earthquake - Update May 9 | Southgate Amateur Radio News: This page is brought to
you in association with  The Southgate Amateur Radio Club News and AMSAT-UK.   Page last updated on: Sunday, May 10, 2015.   This final update was received Saturday from Jayu VU2JAU who has been keeping in daily contact with Satish 9N1AA on 20m.   Their scheduled contacts have decreased in frequency over the last few days and closed at 02:30 UTC today. This is the last known formal international link to stop operating following the ending of MARS communications support at 1100z 05 May 15 between T6TM in Afghanistan and Dr. Panday, 9N1SP.

Aftershocks continue in the area but the frequency of those events has reduced quicker than expected, however there are still vulnerable structures which are being worked on and the terrain means landslides remain a possibility.

There are still Radio Amateurs in the country for example Dale, BA4TB and Mi, BD4TR are part of the Chinese rescue team assisting in the aftermath of the earthquake. Their activity though is in their spare time on the HF bands and is being well advertised through the Dx lists.

Thanks to everyone for their patience and support during the radio amateur activities associated with this disaster. Individual organisations are now commencing their Debriefing process to see what can be done to improve the response next time.


Greg Mossop G0DUB
IARU Region 1 Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator


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