Morse Code And Amateur Radio Still going Strong Documentary And History. Post #449.

Well-done documentary and brief history of the Morse Code and why our oldest digital mode is growing in popularity in the Amateur Radio Community. There's also a nice shot of John Lyon's (K4CNV) amateur radio station in this video. Although I learned enough enough code to pass my novice license back in 1977, I never really used CW extensively until I became an Amateur Extra Class licensee back in 2005. When I retired from the broadcast business and became a substitute teacher, I had plenty of time to sharpen those dulled CW skills. Besides, much of the world's best DX lies hidden in the lower 25 kHz of the ham bands--places reserved for Extra Class license holders. I found CW a great break from the rigors of the day and enjoyed the conversational contacts with my fellow CW enthusiasts. Lately, I've been hanging out in the old novice/technician parts of the ham bands, talking with newly licensed amateur radio operators. Perhaps, I've developed an appreciation of the mode that forms the basis of amateur radio hobby. Although I have a modern keyer, I prefer to use my old J-38 key, something I acquired from my elmer (mentor) back in the novice/technician days. I guess I'm just a bit too sentimental for my own good. For me, CW is a way to connect to my ham radio past and to the mode that launched the best hobby in the world. Enjoy John's video. Perhaps, you will find CW more attractive than you think. For the latest Amateur Radio news and events, please check out the blog sidebars. These news feeds are updated daily. You can follow our blog community with a free e-mail subscription or by tapping into the blog RSS feed. Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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