SocialHams.Net: another place for hams to hang out - KB6NU's Ham Radio Blog. Post #331.

SocialHams.Net: another place for hams to hang out - KB6NU's Ham Radio Blog: SocialHams.Net: another place for hams to hang out
december 1, 2014 by dan kb6nu. This morning, I got an e-mail from Andreas, OE8APR. He’s the guy behind SocialHams.Net, a new social networking site for amateur radio operators. According to OE8APR, you can “You can meet people; chat online; check our top rated, featured items; read about popular topics; wish someone special on his/her birthday; match your interests; and even take advantage of our elaborate people search option.”

SocialHams.Net includes several apps that you can use to make your amateur�radio operating more enjoyable:

DX Cluster. This�tool, which Andreas claims is the�first HTML5 web socket based DXCluster client, allows you to monitor DX spots and spot DX stations that you hear on the air.

Logbook. The�logbook allows you �to add, edit, organize and sort their contacts all in one convenient location.

APRS Map.�The APRS feature displays the location of any APRS station in the viewable area. This feature also provides each member with the ability to send a message from socialhams to any APRS device with messaging capability.

NCDXF Beacon. The Beacon Map displays the location, status and the current or future action of each NCDXF beacon in the network. By listening for each beacon on each band you can determine which bands are open and to what part of the world.

Library. This is a collection of various documents like manuals, schematics, spreadsheets, etc

Elmer’s corner.�The Elmer corner allows any socialhams member to create and publish a tutorial or guide for the entire community to use.

Andreas is an industrial automation programmer by day and has been a licensed radio amateur since 2012. His ham radio interests include digital modes (PSK, WSPR, etc), HF, SOTA, and QRP. In addition to amateur radio, he enjoys mountain hiking, listening to music, programming, and electronics. When I asked �him what prompted him to start SocialHams.Net, he said, “After getting my license i thought it would be nice to have all functions needed for my ham tasks in one place. I think there are really good project out there but none of them offer so much functions in one place.”

Give it a try, and let him know what you think.
Interesting article from Dan Romanchik (KB6NU) about a new ham radio social site.  The new meeting place seems loaded with features that would appeal to amateur radio operators.  I'll check it out.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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