History This Week | Southgate Amateur Radio News. Post 330.

History This Week | Southgate Amateur Radio News: Page last updated on: Sunday, November 30, 2014

History This Week

A look back at events that made history this week -
compiled by the Summerland Amateur Radio Club of Lismore, NSW

Monday, 1 December, 2014

1732 James Blair was�rescued from a fire in a coal mine. William Tossach, a Scottish surgeon revived him using mouth to mouth ventilation.

1799 Metric System established in France.

1876 Daniel Stillson (Massachusetts) patents first practical pipe wrench.

1893 First Electric Car built in Toronto, could go 15 miles between charges.

1909 George Taylor makes first free flight in a glider at Narrabeen Beach, New South Wales.

1941 Japanese attack Pearl Harbor, brings the USA into WW2.

1942�First controlled nuclear chain reaction (Enrico Fermi - University of Chicago).

1996�NASA's first Mars rover launched from Cape Canaveral.

• Read last week's 'History This Week'

• Visit the Summerland Amateur Radio Club's website

Our thanks to John Alcorn, VK2JWA of the Summerland Amateur Radio Club for this weekly feature.
One of the curious items found in the "Southgate Amateur Radio Club News" is the "History This Week" feature from John Alcorn (VK2JWA) and members of the Summerland Amateur Radio Club.  I've found these historical items make great "quiz bowls" in my classes at the Laupahoehoe Community Public Charter School on Hawaii Island.  This report contains a minor error in the 1941 entry. Pearl Harbor was attacked on 07 December 1941 and not on 01 December 1941.

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).


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