Graphene-Based Nano-Antennas May Enable Networks of Tiny Machines - Department of Electrical Engineering. Post #350

Graphene-Based Nano-Antennas May Enable Networks of Tiny Machines - Department of Electrical Engineering: "Graphene-Based Nano-Antennas May Enable Networks of Tiny Machines

Networks of nanometer-scale machines offer exciting potential applications in medicine, industry, environmental protection and defense, but until now there’s been one very small problem: the limited capability of nanoscale antennas fabricated from traditional metallic components.

Assistant Professor Josep Jornet's research with his advisor, Professor Ian Akyildiz on graphene based nano antennas has been featured by the Science andTechnology News Center of Georgia Tech.

The project shows that "the concept of graphene-based nano-antennas is feasible, especially when taking into account very accurate models of electron transport in graphene. Many challenges remain open, but this is a first step toward creating advanced nanomachines with many applications in the biomedical, environmental, industrial and military fields".

The article may be found at:
"Graphene-Based Nano-Antennas May Enable Networks of Tiny Machines"

Jornet is a member of the Signals, Communications and Networking Research Group in UB’s Department of Electrical Engineering in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. The group carries out research in: wireless communications and networking, cognitive radios, extreme environment (i.e., underwater, underground) communications, secure communications, data hiding, information theory and coding, adaptive signal processing, compressed sensing,  multimedia systems, magnetic resonance imaging and radar systems.

Other members of the group include professors Stella N. Batalama, Adly T. Fam, Dimitris A. Pados, Mehrdad Soumekh; associate professors Michael Langberg, Tommaso Melodia, Weifeng Su and Leslie Ying; and assistant professors Nicholas Mastronarde, Gesualdo Scutari, Zhi Sun."


I found this fascinating antenna article while I was taking a break from building a new 80-meter delta loop at my vacation home in Hawaii's Puna District.  Much of the original research was done by scientists at the Georgia Institute of Technology.  Researchers apparently have designed an extremely small antenna made from graphene that works in the 0.1 to 10 tetrahertz range.  The ground breaking technology allows antennas to be made much smaller than equivalent antennas made from gold, silver, or copper (which doesn't work too well at these super high frequencies).  Georgia Tech researchers found these super tiny graphene nano-antennas were more efficient than their metal counterparts.  Applications for this evolving technology include communications, biomedicine, environmental monitoring, industrial uses, and military purposes.  Graphene nano-antennas would also be useful for cellular phone systems and Internet-connected laptop communications.  Amateur Radio operators would have fertile ground in the near-light spectrum with graphene nano-antennas. Imagine a series of "light" repeaters in your about broadband.  With conventional VHF and UHF spectrum being auctioned off to the highest bidder, perhaps amateur radio operators should stake a claim in the tetrahertz region.  Some hams are already experimenting in this area.  Nowadays, the only part of the rf spectrum that "sort of belongs" to us lies in the near-light, low MF, HF, and VLF regions of the spectrum.  Let's us use what we have and perhaps contribute something meaningful to the naysayers who are always calling Amateur Radio obsolete, environmentally incompatible, or even ugly.  A re-reading of Clinton DeSoto's classic "200 Meters on Down" seems appropriate here. For more information on Graphene nano-antennas please visit these sites:

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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).

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