Simple Ham Radio Antennas. A 80-10 meter Inverted vee antenna. Post #287.
One of the easiest and most cost effective antennas you can build is the 80-10 meter inverted v, a variant of the HF Doublet (horizontal dipole). The antenna requires a single support mast, two smaller poles to tie off the "drooping" elements, and 450 ohm ladder line /300 ohm television twin lead connected to a balanced "tuner" to work all amateur radio bands between 80 and 10 meters (3.500 MHz to 29.999 MHz). If you don't have a balanced "tuner", run the ladder line or twinlead to a 4:1 current balun and use a short length of 50 ohm coaxial cable to connect the balun to your "tuner." During the course of moving into our new home in the Puna District of Hawaii Island (we're moving slowly, since we're still working part time), I found a nice spot for a mast in the middle of our planned garden in back of the garage. Since our home is on 1 acre of agricultural land, I have plenty of room for antennas, including loops, slopers, ...