KH6JRM's Amateur Radio Blog
I spent the night at the radio station newsroom because
of a winter storm that threatened Hawaii Island. For-
tunately, only minor flooding spoiled the night. Mauna
Kea has a nice layer of snow and local residents can't
wait for the summit road to clear, so they can take home
some snow for a holiday snowman. This is the only place
where you can gather snow and surf on a sun-blessed
beach all at the same time. Since I was on news alert,
there wasn't much time to spend on amateur radio, other
than listening to 2-meters on the news room scanner. I'll
remedy that situation once I close up the news room later
today. At least, we got some much needed rain. Have a
good weekend. Aloha es 73 de KH6JRM.
of a winter storm that threatened Hawaii Island. For-
tunately, only minor flooding spoiled the night. Mauna
Kea has a nice layer of snow and local residents can't
wait for the summit road to clear, so they can take home
some snow for a holiday snowman. This is the only place
where you can gather snow and surf on a sun-blessed
beach all at the same time. Since I was on news alert,
there wasn't much time to spend on amateur radio, other
than listening to 2-meters on the news room scanner. I'll
remedy that situation once I close up the news room later
today. At least, we got some much needed rain. Have a
good weekend. Aloha es 73 de KH6JRM.
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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).