KH6JRM's Amateur Radio Blog

How will you keep your amateur radio station alive and
active during this time of economic distress?  Even a cursory
reading of the business media indicates that "experts" believe
the nation's economy is battered and won't really be in decent
shape for more years.  The reality is the U.S. economy is
broken.  So, how do you keep everything afloat, assuming
you are still working?  I can only speak for myself, so take
everything I say with the proverbial "grain of salt".  I've had
to live with a budget for many years and know how difficult
it is to have necessities with so many "nice to have" temptations
around us every day.  Once I take care of my immediate
family needs and the usual run of bills, I can turn my attention
to my favority hobby.  I've had to put off purchases, repair the
older rigs, and build a lot of my antennas when it would have
been a lot easier to plunk down the plastic and worry about the
cost later.  This fantasy can be fatal, especially if your job, like
mine, depends on discretionary spending by tapped out consumers.
So, as a first step, learn to make do with what you have and try
your upmost to get out of debt.  Make do with less and don't
spend a dime more than you have to.  I'm no longer a debt slave
and beholding to a long-term loan of anykind.  Of course, your
mileage may vary, but credit card debt is the one big albatross
ruining the future of many families.  This is not an easy habit to
break, but you must learn financial discipline if you hope to remain
viable in this economy. So dust off that old Yaesu, Drake, or Ken-
wood, put away the fancy sales brochures, and build that wire
antenna you always wanted to erect.  You can still have fun, even
in a time where the economy is slowly collapsing.  More later. 73
de Hawaii.  KH6JRM.


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