KH6JRM's Amateur Radio Blog

The 47th Annual Merrie Monarch Festival is wrapping
up in Hilo today with a late morning parade and the final
hula compeitition tonight.  The event has kept the radio
station news room busy.  This event attracts contestants
world-wide and is covered extensively by local tv and
radio (hence my role today).  The Festival has also
brought the Big Island some needed rain.  Hawaii
Island has been griped by an extended drought which
has raised the fears of farmers and residents alike.
After the news shift, it's back to the QTH for some
late afternoon cw and local ragchews.  Most likely,
I'll be using the under the house 40-meter loop. I've
disconnected the vertical because of thunderstorms
and lightning.  If the heavy rains continue, I'll just
unhook everything. No sense tempting Thor's
hammer. A few years ago, a strike from above
toasted a fiberglass mast I was using as an an-
tenna support. Luckily, the antenna was grounded
and all feeders disconnected.  It doesn't pay to be
careless during marginal weather.  Have a good
weekend. Aloha from Hawaii Island. 73 de
KH6JRM (Russ).


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