KH6JRM's Amateur Radio Blog
Another busy week at the radio station news room.
Most of my time on the home rig was spent listening
and working a bit of cw on the lower portion of 40
meters. I spent some of my leisure time (what there
is of it after a long day in the news room), checking
out some interesting articles I found on the ARRL
website. Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU, has a general
interest column that always has a few gems to offer.
If you're into QRP like I am, you'll find Stan's review
of the following worth a visit: "Amateur Radio on it's
(sic) Edge blog " by Tobias Wellnitz, DH1TW; "The
Garage Shoppe" by Pete Goodmann, NI9N; and , on, an article by Charles Cohen, VA7CPU,
entitled "How to QRP--Operating Strategies for the
Power Challenged". All of these articles offer some
excellent advice on how to pursue your QRP interest.
Until next time, Aloha, 73, KH6JRM.
Most of my time on the home rig was spent listening
and working a bit of cw on the lower portion of 40
meters. I spent some of my leisure time (what there
is of it after a long day in the news room), checking
out some interesting articles I found on the ARRL
website. Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU, has a general
interest column that always has a few gems to offer.
If you're into QRP like I am, you'll find Stan's review
of the following worth a visit: "Amateur Radio on it's
(sic) Edge blog " by Tobias Wellnitz, DH1TW; "The
Garage Shoppe" by Pete Goodmann, NI9N; and , on, an article by Charles Cohen, VA7CPU,
entitled "How to QRP--Operating Strategies for the
Power Challenged". All of these articles offer some
excellent advice on how to pursue your QRP interest.
Until next time, Aloha, 73, KH6JRM.
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Aloha es 73 de Russ (KH6JRM).